
Fastnet entry secured (and that’s no mean feat)….

Entry to the Fastnet race is sold out with a record number signing up. 300 registrations were received in the first 24 minutes matching the number received in 24hrs for the 2013 race. RORC members were given priority so paying membership fees really does have a benefit! Having secured entry to the race I’m now…


Christmas over. Skiing over. New Year over. What next?

So we did Christmas in the Alps this year. Boat came out of the water on the 18th December and we departed on the 19th. If you can’t sail, ski! What next? We’ll it’s 2015 (Happy New Year everyone!) and apart from the Rugby World Cup there’s also the small matter of the 90th anniversary…


Racing Weekend Roundup – Sunsail Regatta Round 4

Great weekend racing in the East Solent. Dawned on me when motoring out of Portsmouth Harbour entrance that we actually haven’t sailed since February. Probably part of the reason we’ve bought a boat! (more on that in another post) Day One – 12th July Race One: A nervous start to the day crossing the start-line mid-fleet,…